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Out Of Network Negotiation Services

Out Of Network Negotiation Services

With great pleasure, CuresMB presents our exclusive Out of Network Negotiation Services, designed to address the particular requirements of medical professionals handling out-of-network claims. We are dedicated to assisting you in obtaining just and advantageous payment terms since we recognize the difficulties and nuances of negotiating reimbursement rates with out-of-network payers. We can help you maximize reimbursement and minimize income loss with the support of our devoted staff of negotiation professionals and tested techniques.

Successfully negotiating Out-of-Network claims is essential for healthcare providers to maximize reimbursement and ensure financial sustainability. Having a team with decades of experience in this field positions Cures Medical Billing as a valuable partner for healthcare institutions seeking efficient and effective solutions in managing their revenue cycles.

Cures medical billing service that focuses on protecting patients by carefully analyzing historical data, negotiating claims on behalf of both healthcare providers and patients, and ensuring that patients don’t face significant out-of-pocket expenses. This approach is valuable in the complex world of healthcare billing, where navigating insurance claims and managing costs can be challenging for both providers and patients.

Our full range of out-of-network negotiation services at Cures Medical Billing is intended to maximize your reimbursement rates and enhance your financial results.

Payer Contract Negotiation

Our skilled negotiators will collaborate closely with out-of-network payers to secure advantageous contract terms on your behalf. To guarantee that you get paid as much as possible for your services, we will fight for equitable reimbursement rates, acceptable fee schedules, and open and honest billing procedures.

To compare your reimbursement rates with benchmarks and industry standards, we conduct extensive rate benchmarking and analysis. This offers valuable information for negotiations and aids in locating areas for improvement.

Evaluation and Optimisation of Price Schedules

We examine and assess price schedules to ensure they fairly represent the worth of your services. Our staff will look for ways to optimize the fee schedule and work with payers to make changes so you get paid fairly.

Our staff will file appeals and participate in dispute resolution with out-of-network payers to overturn rejections and ensure just compensation when claims are rejected or underpaid. We’ll use our experience and understanding of the market to fight for your rights and financial interests.


Settlement offers received from negotiation vendors on behalf of insurance companies before claim reimbursement. In the insurance industry, pre-payment settlements are arrangements where a negotiation vendor, acting on behalf of an insurance company, proposes a settlement amount to a healthcare provider before the actual claim reimbursement process.


A claim has been reimbursed by the insurance company, but the claim is reopened for negotiation based on pricing provided by a negotiation/pricing vendor.

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Why Choose Out of Network Negotiation Services from CuresMB?

  • Knowledge and expertise

    With years of healthcare reimbursement and negotiating experience, we can effectively represent your interests and obtain advantageous payment conditions.

  • Industry contacts

    We can negotiate advantageous contract terms on your behalf since we have built contacts with many out-of-network payers.

  • Results-Oriented Approach

    Our goal is to meet our clients' expectations regarding results. Our staff will tirelessly optimize your revenue potential and obtain excellent reimbursement rates.

  • Tailored Solutions

    Recognising the individuality of each healthcare provider, we deliver solutions specifically designed to fulfill your goals and requirements.

  • Cost-Effective

    Our out-of-network negotiation services are more affordable than employing and educating internal negotiators. Using CuresMB to manage your negotiation needs, you can concentrate on giving your patients high-quality care.

Your Success Is Our Success

We are a team of national medical billing service experts based in Astoria, NY, committed to providing ongoing value to our customers. We leverage technology and implement best practices to provide high-quality and cost-efficient medical billing solutions from domestic locations, enabling customers to achieve their business goals. Cures Medical Billing is the best option for any medical billing needs.

Medical billing around Astoria, NY, and beyond is our core competency and our specialists will efficiently manage all your billing needs. Our medical billing specialists have over 12 Plus years of experience with all security technologies to ensure data integrity for our customers. Using our medical billing service, anyone can make their medical billing task less resource-consuming.

Start free 30 Days Trial Now

Contact Our RCM 

Out-of-network negotiation services are essential for healthcare providers to maximize reimbursement rates and minimize financial losses. These services involve negotiating with insurance companies on behalf of providers to secure fair reimbursement for services provided to out-of-network patients. By leveraging expert negotiation skills, providers can increase their out-of-network reimbursement rates and improve their financial performance. Contact us for specialized out-of-network negotiation services tailored to your practice’s needs.

Our Services

Gastroenterology Healthcare billing service effortlessly with Cures MB. Our skilled professionals are dedicated to ensuring financial success through transparent and secure practices. Trust Cures MB for precise and careful handling of all your billing needs.

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