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Health and Medical Billing

CPT Code 90846 Guide to Family Therapy without the Patient Present

CPT code 90846 is a Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code used for family psychotherapy sessions without the patient present. It's used by licensed behavioral health providers.

ICD-10 Code M17.9 Osteoarthritis of Knee, Unspecified

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disorder that affects millions international. Characterized via the slow breakdown of cartilage, OA can drastically affect mobility and fine of existence. This blog put up will delve into ICD-10 code M17.9, mainly focus on osteoarthritis of the knee, unspecified.

Understand HCPCS Code G0300 Skilled Nursing Services in Home Care

G0300 is a Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) code designed to represent 15-minute increments of direct professional nursing offerings provided through a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) within the home fitness or hospice placing.

Guide to HCPCS S9122 CPT Code Home Health Aide and CNA Care

Home health aides (HHAs) and certified nurse assistants (CNAs) play a crucial role in providing compassionate and skilled in-home care for patients. HCPCS S9122 CPT Code represents these essential services, delivered hourly to support patients in maintaining their independence and quality of life.

Guide to HCPCS T1019 CPT Code Personal Care Services

HCPCS T1019 CPT Code refers to personal care services, billed in increments of 15 minutes. These services are designed for individuals requiring assistance with daily living activities, such as bathing, feeding, and dressing, as part of an individualized treatment plan.

AR Recovery Services Key to Financial Success in Medical Billing

Accounts Receivable (AR) recovery is a critical component in medical billing that directly impacts the financial health of healthcare practices. By implementing effective AR recovery solutions, practices can ensure smooth cash flow and focus on delivering top-quality patient care.

ICD-10 Code F32.9 Major Depressive Disorder, Unspecified

ICD-10 Code F32.9 serves as a billable identifier employed for diagnosing and categorizing Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Single Episode, and Unspecified. This mental health condition is marked by significant feelings of sadness, despondency, and diminished energy that interfere with everyday activities.

ICD-10 Code N40.1 Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia with Associate Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), additionally known as benign expansion of the prostate (BEP or BPE), is a commonplace non-cancerous condition in growing old guys. The ICD-10 code N40.1 represents benign prostatic hyperplasia with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), inclusive of urinary frequency, urgency, and retention.

CPT Code 99454 Guide to Remote Patient Monitoring Success

CPT Code 99454 is a cornerstone in the evolution of Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM). This monthly billing code supports healthcare providers in monitoring patients’ physiological data through FDA-approved medical devices.

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We are a team of national medical billing service experts based in Astoria, NY, committed to providing ongoing value to our customers. We leverage technology and implement best practices to provide high-quality and cost-efficient medical billing solutions from domestic locations, enabling customers to achieve their business goals. Cures Medical Billing is the best option for any medical billing needs.

Medical billing around Astoria, NY, and beyond is our core competency and our specialists will efficiently manage all your billing needs. Our medical billing specialists have over 12 Plus years of experience with all security technologies to ensure data integrity for our customers. Using our medical billing service, anyone can make their medical billing task less resource-consuming.

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